Thursday, December 20, 2018

10. Chhân-hn̂g | 田園

10. Chhân-hn̂g
Tī Alpes lâm-pêng soaⁿ-kha koh khòaⁿ tio̍h chit ê hok-khì ê chng-kha, góa chóng-sī kám-kak ná-chhiūⁿ ùi hòng-tio̍k tńg-chhù, ná-chhiūⁿ koh lâi-kàu soaⁿ-me̍h ê chèng-khak hit pêng. Tī chia, ji̍t-thâu chiò tio̍h khah chhin-chhiat, soaⁿ-me̍h hoat-chhut khah chhim ê âng-kng, chia ū chèng la̍t-chí kap pô-tô, mā ū hēng-á kap bû-hoa-kó, lâng lóng chin siān-liông, hó-lé, iú-siān, sui-bóng in chin sàn. In chò ê ta̍k-hāng mi̍h-kiāⁿ khòaⁿ--khí-lâi lóng chiâⁿ hó, chiâⁿ cheng-bit, chiâⁿ chhin-chhiat, ká-ná he sī chū-jiân seⁿ--ê. M̄-koán sī chhù, chhiûⁿ, khì pô-tô hn̂g ê khàm-á, sió-lō͘, sin ê chèng-choh, kap hn̂g-khu -- ta̍k-hāng lóng bô sin bô kū, ta̍k-hāng khòaⁿ--khí-lâi lóng ná m̄-sī kan-ta siat-kè, m̄-sī ùi chū-jiân bô͘-hóng--ê, sī ná-chhiūⁿ kan-ta ùi chhân-hn̂g, ùi chhiū-á, ùi chheⁿ-thî seⁿ--ê. Pô-tô hn̂g ê ûi-chhiûⁿ, chhù, chhù-téng, lóng sī iōng kāng-khoán àm-âng-sek ê chio̍h-thâu chò--ê, in hong-keh sio-kāng, ná-chhiūⁿ hiaⁿ-tī. Chia bô mi̍h-kiāⁿ sī chheⁿ-hūn, tùi-tak, a̍h-sī chho͘-ló͘, ta̍k-hāng lóng un-loán, pêng-chēng, hia̍p-tiau.
Chhōe lí kah-ì ê só͘-chāi chē--lo̍h-lâi, chhiûⁿ-á téng, chio̍h-thâu, chhiū-thâu, chháu-po͘ a̍h-sī thô͘-kha: sì-kè lóng ū in, m̄-sī tô͘-ōe tō-sī si-kù, sì-kè lóng sī bí-lē kap khoài-lo̍k ê hôe-siaⁿ.
Chit ê chhân-hn̂g sī sàn-chhiah chò-sit-lâng khiā-ke ê só͘-chāi. In bô gû, kan-ta ū ti, iûⁿ, kap ke; in chèng pô-tô, hoan-be̍h, chúi-kó, kap chheⁿ-chhài. Kui keng chhù iōng chio̍h-thâu thia̍p, liân tē-pán kap lâu-thui mā sī; chi̍t ê chio̍h-thui tī nn̄g ki chio̍h-thiāu tiong-kan kiâⁿ-ji̍p chhù-tiâⁿ. Tī chèng-choh kap chio̍h-thâu tiong-kan, sì-kè lóng khòaⁿ ē-tio̍h ô͘-chúi ê nâ-kng.
Su-sióng kap pi-chêng ká-ná lóng lâu tī soaⁿ ê iáu-chi̍t-pêng. Tī chò siū-khó͘ ê lâng kap chò khó-hūn ê hêng-tōng tiong-kan, lán-lâng ū chin chē ài siūⁿ, ài khì siong-pi! Tī soaⁿ ê hit pêng, boeh chhōe oa̍h-lo̍h ê lí-iû sī chin khùn-lân, mā sī chin tiōng-iàu. Nā bô, lâng boeh án-chóaⁿ oa̍h-lo̍h? Sûn-jiân ê put-hēng hō͘ lâng piàn ko-chhim. -- M̄-koh tī chia bô būn-tê, seng-chûn m̄-bián lí-iû, su-khó piàn-chiâⁿ hó-sńg. Lán-lâng hoat-hiān: sè-kài chin súi, sèⁿ-miā chin té. Ū ê ńg-bāng bô si̍t-hiān; góa hi-bāng ke chi̍t tùi ba̍k-chiu, ke chi̍t ê hì. Góa chhun kha ta̍h chháu, hi-bōng kha piàn khah tn̂g.
Góa hi-bōng góa sī chi̍t ê kī-jîn (巨人), án-ne góa ē-tàng tó leh, thâu-khak khòe tī Alpes soaⁿ-téng ê seh, sin-piⁿ ū iûⁿ-á, kha-pôaⁿ tī chhim ô͘ ni̍h that chúi. Án-ne góa boeh it-ti̍t tó tī hia, bô boeh koh khí-lâi, chháu-châng hoat tī góa ê chng-thâu-á tiong-kan, Alpes ê iá-mûi-kùi seⁿ tī góa ê thâu-chang, góa ê kha-thâu-u piàn-chò Alpes ê soaⁿ-kha, pô-tô-hn̂g chhāi tī góa ê sin-khu, iáu-ū chhù kap kàu-tn̂g. Án-ne chi̍t-bān nî, góa tó tī hia, it-ti̍t khòaⁿ thiⁿ, it-ti̍t khòaⁿ ô͘. Góa nā phah kha-chhiùⁿ, tō ē khí hong-hō͘. Góa nā chhoán-khùi, seh tō ē iûⁿ, chúi-chhiâng tō iô-tāng. Góa nā sí, choân sè-kài mā sí. Án-ne, góa ē kiâⁿ-kòe hái-iûⁿ, khì chah tńg-lâi chi̍t ê sin ê ji̍t-thâu.
E-àm góa boeh khùn tó? Mài koán! Sè-kài teh chhòng-siáⁿ? Sī-m̄-sī ū hoat-hiān sin ê sîn, sin ê lu̍t, sin ê chū-iû? Mài koán! M̄-koh tī chia ū chi̍t-châng sakura-chháu (櫻草) teh khui-hoe, i ê hio̍h-á ū pe̍h-sek ê jiông, khin-khin ê hong chhoe kòe góa ē-bīn ê pe̍h-iông chhiū, góa ê ba̍k-chiu kap thiⁿ-téng tiong-kan ū chi̍t chiah àm-kim-sek ê phang thêng tī khong-tiong, hiⁿ-hiⁿ kiò -- che góa ē koan-sim. I hiⁿ ê sī khoài-lo̍k ê siaⁿ, sī éng-hêng ê koa. I ê koa tō sī góa ê sè-kài ê le̍k-sú.
10. 田園
Tī Alpes 南爿山跤 koh 看著這个福氣 ê 庄跤, 我總是感覺 ùi 放逐轉厝, ná koh 來到山脈 ê 正確彼爿. Tī , 日頭照著較親切, 山脈發出較深 ê 紅光, 遮有種栗子 kap 葡萄, mā 有杏仔 kap 無花果, 人攏真善良, 好禮, 友善, 雖罔 in sàn. In ê 逐項物件看起來攏誠好, 誠精密, 誠親切, ká-ná 彼是自然生 ê. 毋管是厝, , 去葡萄園 ê 坎仔, 小路, ê 種作, kap 園區 -- 逐項攏無新無舊, 逐項看起來攏 毋是干焦設計, 毋是 ùi 自然模仿 ê, 是 像干焦 ùi 田園, ùi 樹仔, ùi 青苔生 ê. 葡萄園 ê 圍牆, , 厝頂, 攏是用仝款暗紅色 ê 石頭做 ê, in 風格相仝, ná 像兄弟. 遮無物件是生份, 對觸, 抑是粗魯, 逐項攏溫暖, 平靜, 協調.
揣你佮意 ê 所在坐落來, 牆仔頂, 石頭, 樹頭, 草埔抑是塗跤: 四界攏有 in, 毋是圖畫就是詩句, 四界攏是美麗 kap 快樂 ê 回聲.
這个田園是散赤做穡人徛家 ê 所在. In 無牛, 干焦有豬, , kap ; in 種葡萄, 番麥, 水果, kap 青菜. 規間厝用石頭疊, 連地板 kap 樓梯 ; 一个石梯 兩支石柱中間行入厝埕. Tī 種作 kap 石頭中間, 四界攏看會著湖水 ê 藍光.
思想 kap 悲情 ká-ná 攏留 ê 猶一爿. Tī 做受苦 ê kap 做可恨 ê 行動中間, 咱人有真濟愛想, 真濟愛傷悲! Tī ê 彼爿, 欲揣活落 ê 理由是真困難, mā 是真重要. 若無, 人欲按怎活落? 純然 ê 不幸予人變高深. -- M̄-koh 遮攏無問題, 生存毋免理由, 思考變成好耍. 咱人發現: 世界真媠, 性命真短. ê 向望無實現; 我希望加一對目睭, 加一个肺. 我伸跤踏草, 希望跤變較長.
我希望我是一个 kī-jîn (巨人), án-ne 我會當倒 leh, 頭殼 khòe tī Alpes 山頂 ê , 身邊有羊仔, 跤盤 深湖 ni̍h 踢水. Án-ne 我欲一直倒 , 無欲 koh 起來, 草叢發 ê 指頭仔中間, Alpes ê 野玫瑰生 ê 頭鬃, ê 跤頭趺變做 Alpes ê 山跤, 葡萄園 chhāi tī ê 身軀, 猶有厝 kap 教堂. Án-ne 一萬年, 我倒 , 一直看天, 一直看湖. 我若拍咳啾, tō 會起風雨. 我若喘氣, 會溶, 水沖 搖動. 我若死, 全世界 . Án-ne, 我會行過海洋, 去扎轉來一个新 ê 日頭.
下暗我欲睏 tó? 莫管! 世界 teh 創啥? 是毋是有發現新 ê , ê , ê 自由? 莫管! M̄-koh 遮有一叢 sakura-chháu (櫻草) teh 開花, ê 葉仔有白色 ê , 輕輕 ê 風吹過我下面 ê 白楊樹, ê 目睭 kap 天頂中間有一隻暗金色 ê 蜂停 空中, hiⁿ-hiⁿ -- 這我會關心. hiⁿ ê 是快樂 ê , 是永恆 ê . ê 是我 ê 世界 ê 歷史.
10. Farm
When I see this blessed countryside again, at the southern foothills of the Alps, then I always feel as if I were coming home from banishment, as if I were once again on the right side of the mountains. Here the sun shines more intimately, the mountains glow with a deeper red, here chestnuts and grapes, almonds and figs are growing, the human beings are good, civilized, and friendly, even though they are poor. And everything they fashion seems so good, so precise, and so friendly, as if it were grown by nature itself. The houses, the walls, the steps up into the vineyards, the paths, the new plantings, and the terraces -- everything is neither new nor old, everything appears as if it were not merely contrived, imitated from nature, but had simply risen as fields do, and trees, and moss. The walls of vineyards, the houses and the roofs of houses, they are all made of the same brown stone, and they look like one another, they are like brothers. Nothing seems alien, hostile, or violent, everything appears warm, serene, neighborly.
Sit down anywhere you like, on a wall, a stone, a tree stump, on the grass or the earth: everywhere they surround you, a painting and a poem, everywhere the world resonates beautifully and happily around you.
This is a farm where poor farmers make their home. They have no cows, only pigs, goats, and chickens; they plant grapes, corn, fruit, and vegetables. The whole house is built of stone, even the floors and the stairs; a hewn stairway leads between two stone pillars into the courtyard. Everywhere the lake gleams blue between the growing things and the stone.
Thoughts and sorrows seem to have remained on the other side of the mountains. Between tormented men and hateful deeds, a person has to think and sorrow so much! Back there it is so difficult and so desperately important to find a reason for staying alive. How else should a person go on living? Sheer misery makes one profound. -- But here there are no problems, mere existence needs no justification, thinking becomes a game. A person discovers: the world is beautiful, and life is brief. Some longings remain unsatisfied; I would like to have another pair of eyes, another lung. I stretch out my legs in the grass, and I wish they could be longer.
I wish I could be a giant, then I could lie with my head near the snows on one of the Alps, lie there among the goats, with my toes splashing below in the deep lake. So I would lie there and never get up again, between my fingers the bushes would grow, and the wild roses of the Alps in my hair, my knees would be alpine foothills, and vineyards would stand on my body, and houses, and chapels. And so for ten thousand years I lie there, and gaze into the heavens, and gaze into the lake. When I sneeze, there's a thunderstorm. When I breathe, the snow melts, and the waterfalls dance. When I die, the whole world dies. Then I jounrney across the world's ocean, to bring back a new sun.
Where am I going to sleep tonight? Who cares! What is the world doing? Have new gods been discovered, new laws, new freedoms? Who cares! But up here a primrose is blossoming and bearing silver fuzz on its leaves, and the light sweet wind is singing below me in the poplars, and between my eyes and heaven a dark golden bee is hovering and humming -- I care about that. It is humming the sound of happiness, humming the song of eternity. Its song is my history of the world.

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